hoi4 convoy escort composition. 5 k (preferably under the 5. hoi4 convoy escort composition

5 k (preferably under the 5hoi4 convoy escort composition The bombers will do heavy damage and escort destroyers when the find the American fleet my main fleets will attack and usually crush them

But the fleet will attempt to intercept attackers. I have almost 4k convoys total and my convoy escorts comprise of 1936 and 1944 destroyer hulls, all starting with or having been refitted with radar 4 and sonar 2. So! (2. You will be convoy raiding in hostile waters to draw out the Imperial fleet for open combat. There's also the issue of your composition. This is. Light Attack, Heavy Attack, similar to. Build some submarines for convoy raiding as wellIn practical terms, you need 4. Convoy escort: Pretty self explanatory. Enemy ai seems to underestimate the fighter composition needed, the two times I met similar sized us fleets I decimated them due to they often running too much air support & torpedo bombers and. Minelaying : Lays mines, giving you extra naval superiority, and increases the chance of enemy ships randomly sinking, and reduces enemy ship speed by up to 80% (!). Using patrol or search and destroy won't work. This is done through the convoy escort and convoy raiding missions. Do not ever complete escort carriers. 3k mark). Dismissing 20 notifications in a month saying you’ve destroyed between 1-12 convoys is based. In the pacific I use them for strike forces and for naval invasion escort. What does my unit composition have to be? I'm not familiar on which type of ship is a capital ship, I. Reserve fleet (the starting ships-subs) SH battleships takes care of other battleships and cruisers while a larger amount of cruisers is a very good defense against carriers. I put my surface fleet out to convoy escort for like 2 seconds in the English Channel & none of them came back! They got completely sunk!!! Reply reply More repliesComposition rule is slightly more than 1 heavy ship per carrier and slightly more than 4 light ships per heavy ship. The first rule of fleet composition is you don't mix any type of sub with any type of surface ship. Before editing the wiki, please read the style guidelines for posting. The task force composition editor allows changing the desired number. Subs also take longer to hide, have a tougher time finding convoys, and convoy escort was buffed to have more regions at base. Destroyers for convoy escort. The long and short of it is heavy surface raiders are very easily countered by just adding more escorts to your convoys. The +% sub visibility can spell the end of a sub task force. Convoy Escort: Efficiency is just 2 ships per convoy, if I recall. the best way to get an passable Surface-Navy. This is almost there - Invasion Support is the mission for task forces to escort Invasion convoys (regular convoy escort will escort supply convoys, not troops). Two slots of torpedo twos on a sub is enough to instantly sink a convoy in the first volley if you are lucky. USA : Land is superior firepower - Integrated Support. . Carriers: Carriers were the gods of the sea irl in WW2, but in Hoi4, not so much, at least not until later in the game. Once landed retract fleet and hope you don't loses to many ships. RELEASED. And that's simply putting a little yellow exclamation point or something next to every unit/factory/whatever is being revealed by the Scout Plane air wing when you have it selected. Fleet composition: - assign approximately 10 light cruisers and 20 destroyers ASW missions, all your submarines convoy raiding, and put all the rest of your ships into one giant doomstack. But chasing after the remaining 20% of results (consistent naval supremacy in any/all regions) is just a black hole of resources for relatively little gain. It only effect stuff sent over water lmfao you gotta raid the water areas supplies are through. I have a good time use a big escort TF as Italy and cover 3 sea zones. Typically, raiding fleets won't be set to engage escorts, meaning. 5 production per day. 263 1. For the battle. Developed by the esteemed minds at Paradox Interactive, this latest installment of the beloved series aims. Create a destroyer escort for convoy escort mission. The main thing however is just having cheap ships out there on your trade routes. TLDR: Convoy raiding impacts war support, stability, economy, and manpower. Even if the portion of my fleet is VASTLY superior to the enemy fleet that is attacking the convoys the portion of my fleet in first contact will. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. If you spot a mistake, please help with fixing it. Convoy protection is a numbers game more than anything else so a player needs to create enough to be. The strike force is split in half when you go over 4 carriers. The first version of the Hunt class of escort destroyers, based on the previous Bittern class of escort sloops. RELEASED SGc - Save Game Converter - converts save games to XML format for easy viewing in freeware XML viewers. 807. In this I explain both the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort missions, and when. Submarine Wolfpack --- Minimum: 20 Subs; Sweet Spot: 30 Subs; Maximum: 50 Subs; Raiding Group --- Minimum: 5 DDs, 25 Subs OR 5 CLs, 25 Subs; Convoy Escort Group --- Minimum: 5 ASW-DDs per. Kaijo Goei Sotai is for Convoy Escorts(the Japanese were not to keen on defending their covoys until later in the war) Kirai Fusetsu-ka is for Minelayers Taiheiyo Kantai is for Convoy Raiding Bonus, the shipsclasses I build for this: Ship designer: Kure Naval Arsenal 1936 SS: Kaidai VI Class 1936 DD: Kagero Class(Torpedo Destroyer)A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about Paradox Interactive games and of the company proper. I can say two things. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4 • by. Single-Okra-7692 • 9 mo. Then make 4-5 patrol destroyer fleets for patrolling the seas. Next, you want to Begin Rearmament - if WT is too low, either wait and save PP, or take the Devalue the Franc focus. CE: Escort Carriers can be made using the 1936 hull with basic engine, a single hangar, and possibly 1 AA module. Fighters: Good for dealing with CAGs and other aircraft on Naval Strikes. Ironically I set my production to build 1 of each ship currently in production and decided to deal with it later when I have a free dock yards. TL;DR: i reloaded an earlier save but set my fleet to convoy escort before moving forward this just happened to me. Also invade Denmark. But ships to use would be destroyers, and maybe 1-2 LC if you can spare them (eg if you are england/usa/japan). Maintaining a four to one ratio between heavy ships and light ships is optimal for fleet composition Carriers are crucial in naval warfare as they can efficiently deploy naval bombers, making them a deadly force in battles. Typically performed by Destroyers. Your escort coverage is based upon how often the ships. The mission is primarily a counter to Convoy Raiding. #1. Set to engage at high risk (sub3 or sub4 only). Fleet composition Im using now is a few heavy cruisers stack with light attack with torpedo destroyers and a bunch of roach destroyers (destroyers with only 1 light cannon). Top. Gain air supperiority through number of fighters there. A task force assigned to the convoy escort mission will protect convoys belonging to the player or their allies if they are. III DEMS & SBML two-inch mortar. Submarines with this engagement rule will tend to flee from a group of defending. My troops are dying and there’s nothing I can do. A patrol mission assigned to a region will assist any convoy raiding occurring by spotting enemy convoys. Range - hull generation / endurance in. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Patrol = ships are out at sea searching for the enemy fleets and engage depending on engagement orders and enemy fleet strength. Destroyers with some depth charges/sonar on a convoy escort mission are fine though if the enemy isn't raiding with subs, you probably need to send out your main battle fleet. Capital Ships can use up to 5 yards of production at a time, Screens and Subs use up to 10 yards, and transports can have a capacity of 15 yards working. . TODO Convoy escort. And convoys arn't being found. Vary the appearance of icons in HoI4 in order to depict unit strength Describe what words or phrases introduce confusion or ambiguity in HoI4. i think the most cost efficient is destroyers with anti submarine stuff (depth charges, sonar) you can use about 10 destroyers per tile and you want to place them where you notice your convoys are getting raided the most Later on if you get into a war you should split off at least one strike force and smaller convoy escort and patrol task forces. Convoy escort : if it's only escorting resources, split your destroyer (DD) in group of 10. ago. Reserves is pretty basic. Okay, so after lengthy experience with this. For US in particular, you can stack that with Bureau of Ships and Escort Effort. Once the ten land, you can assign division to another but the planning will be done. Supplement them with naval bombers or tactical bombers on naval strike orders. This can only be done while at war, these ships will lay mines in a region which have a chance to damage or sink enemy ships/convoys and contribute to your naval supremacy score. A single 'escort' fleet can run Convoy Escort from the Channel to the Iberian Coast. Bomb that area at will. You can still suffer losses. The rest is educated guessing; HOI4 is decent as a simulation game. you can do convoy escort with destroyers and keep your main fleet nearby in strike force or. ASW/Convoy Escort task forces are 5 ASW-specific DDs and for the UK, I usually use my DD1s as ASW/Convoy Escort and leave my better DD2s for the surface combat. Since convoy efficiency is so important for Japan, a lot of the early game for me is spent building convoys and more convoy escort DDs. The finisher tech "Sea Lane Defence", on the other hand, affects the "Escort Convoy" mission that you can give to fleets, which is pretty much useless--don't research that tech. Escort efficiency How quickly ships assigned to Convoy Escort missions can come to the defense of convoys. First, what stats on subs are the most important to finding and killing convoys. This is a community maintained wiki. The UK has one of the best convoy defense navies in the game. First of all, you need to know that there are five different ships in total in Hoi4, meaning there are 5 different warship classes that you can craft. The second meta is sub3 plus bombers. The subs should have good torps and the best snorkel you have, and be split into packs of 8-12 (any more and there will be operational penalties). This will ensure the whole big escort TF join the sub fight, as long as you have 100% efficiency. Kalibos. Right now the base game also includes a doctrinal tech for convoy escort called escort carriers, but obviously that isn't the same as actually building them (and is a lot less satisfying). - ANTI-SUB DESTROYER: at least lvl 2 hull, 2 best depth charges, cheapest gun possbile, best sonar you can get, best radar you can get,. Other than that "cheap" capital ship grade vessel to lead smaller formations in less critical areas like say patrolling the mid atlantic and the South America to Africa Atlantic gap to raid convoys, go protect convoys, or just exist to find stuff. So I've been reading about WW2 navies and it seems to me like a class of ships called 'Destroyer Escorts' are not in the game. The combat is identical to land combat. I am playing the Russian Empire in the Great War mod. Naval escorts. There are a few thing that I’m going to have to disagree with regarding task force composition/usage. And Jesus Christ, I did not know how good carriers were at convoy raiding. Avoid shallow seas at all cost. Some franchises and games of note: Stellaris, Europa Universalis, Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria and Cities: Skylines. (You may mix subs and heavy subs with each other. My guess is that the frontline screens were low HP from other fights and your destroyers had torpedoes. You don’t seem to mention carriers much, yet they’re incredibly cost effective, and a vast vast majority of the time will demolish an equally costed light attack CA fleet, assuming 1940 tech, both because one side having carrier planes gives the other a large positioning penalty, letting. When you assign missions if part of a sea region is red it means your naval range is not enough to cover 100% of the region. All carrier-based planes will join the battle. How to Convoy Raid effectively. Create a small force of like 5 DDs and a spotting CL and that's your basic convoy escort or patrol template, save it. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. This system creates a tech race between sub stealth and sub spotting, with subs having a better chance of getting an advantage in the early game. Yeah, naval AI is the most bonkers of all, but on the other hand it's probably the most difficult one to program as to not be exploitable. Make 3+ landings at same time spread out and take a lot of ground fast. Great for convoy escort, countering subs, and bolstering your screens. Once the task force is in. Also build some light cruiser with high spotting for patrol. When you unpause your reserve subs should fill the task forces to 10. I've seen a battlegroup of just 2 Carriers with screens completely annihilate 15 convoys in one go. - Submarine group: Convoy Raiding mission - Destroyer group: Patrol or Convoy Escort or Minelaying missions - Mixed group with heavy ships: Strike Force mission Long version: Google "hoi 4 navy tutorial" for lots of results. One for Patrol/Strike, one for Convoy Raid submarines, maybe one for Convoy Escort. Then I design a good fast destroyer with good torpedo strength and a good light cruiser with good gunpower. And convoys arn't being found. For the record convoy escorts are not for sinking subs. They mostly deter subs and that's about it. It may be that you’re planning multiple and only the first will allocate due to the limit of ten. Note that the DLC tab is currently open. Spam the hell out of these. Reply. Ten groups of seven maximizes the admiral trait buffs. By 1943 I had 1 fleet of ~5BC and 12 Light Cruisers raiding by France and the Western Coast of Britain and 3 sub groups 1 Atlantic, 1 by gibralter, and 1 in southwest africa killing off ~12-16+ convoys a week. As U. Use anti sub forces for this Convoy attack: You attack enemy convoys. And the targeting is spread so if you have too few raiders, the convoy can run away with few casualties! Reply. The navy is one of the most elusive and incomprehensible aspects of HOI4 to players new and old alike, for a variety of reasons. the easiest and most effective way to wipe out subs on mass is to setup about 4 groups of 10-15 destroyers with at least 2 secondary gun components setup to depth charges (pretty much every destroyer that isn't a minelayer or minesweeper should have this) with your highest available radar + sonar, and set them to convoy escort. 3 torpedo tube tier 3s are necessary to get more than 60 torpedo attack. 147 Badges. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. If you surprise a light convoy escort group with some hardy ships strong in Light Attack, you just sunk a load of convoys and their guardians, which not only puts your opponent in a much worse spot, but also opens up the area to safer undersea raiding (unless they start pulling heavier ships to send yours off, in which case, back to the first. Convoy Raiding: 1 task force can cover 1. Yes, that's possible, you can keep the tier 1 upgraded with the latest armaments, fire control, radar and sonar. ), AA and Armor etc. organicFreako. This is the only capital that should roll with your screen fleets. Published May 9, 2023 Building the best fleet composition is a sure way to overcome all enemies in Hearts of Iron 4, and these are the best compositions. Thus limiting the trade,unit movement and supply of your for. Minelaying efficiency Affects overall efficiency of naval minelaying performed by fleets. Best to create a blockade of sea zones and divide your dedicated raiders (mostly subs) accordingly. Naval invasions, raiding convoys, convoy protection and outright combat between fleets is how you conduct Naval Warfare in Hearts of Iron 4. Patrol/Convoy Escort mission: CL and 2 DD fleet. I always build a lot of docks and then modernise the entire fleet in the most practical way by avoiding high cost changes like engines and main batteries. The AI controlled US fleet is likely to do the same, so make sure your strike force is not outnumbered. Probably going to want to overlap your Destroyer fleet and LC/HC fleet mission assignments so you can get good force concentration. Not that such a thing happened very often since in real life things. com], or watch this video:The point of a navy is to supply and reinforce land troops and keep the enemy from doing the same. I also have 1-2 patrolling forces per battle fleet. In this I explain both the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort missions, and when a. Good enough. Unless you're very carefully microing task force composition, one plane per ship is necessary.