Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp. You never had an exposure. Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp

 You never had an exposureReceiving oral sex hiv medhelp  7) Hand jobs, with or without cuts present

ONLY having unprotected vaginal or anal sex or sharing IV needles to inject drugs are risks. e. i didn't see her place it in her vagina and think it was just on, however she then placed it on my penis on my testicles and shaft and for a few around on the tip near but not on the urthea. HANSFIELD. The risk of STD (and HIV) probably is quite a bit lower with a brief exposure than a longer one. my question is. As an adult, the only risks for HIV are: 1) having unprotected, penetrative vaginal or anal sex, or. As for your specific questions: 1. Oral sex involves giving or receiving oral stimulation (i. Related Questions HIV Risk in 5 encounters. No penetrative sex as you say? No risk for acquiring hiv. HIV is not spread by oral sex, giving or receiving, even if sores, gum disease or blood is present. Afterwards, she made reference to how busy she had been the day before. To your specific questions: 1) Anybody can say anything they want on the web. Is this true? I have not had any other form of sexual contact with my partners except receiving blowjobs. MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Is it possible to. DR HOOK. e. 3. JASON_ALEX. DR. However, from your experience, you would be at most risk for gonorrhea and NGU (you can be tested for these at this time - symptoms (discharge) would have shown up by now. If you are receiving oral sex from someone else, you. 3) Oral HPV infection can be acquired by oral sex, but the frequency is unknown. The risk appears to be higher if you have cuts or sores in your mouth. Actual things in the BJ: After a night of heavy drinking we went to this FKK place in berlin called Artemis. Again, this is a low risk. Only sex risks are unprotected anal or vaginal which you didn't have, so no detail you can add to your situation will make you at risk or create a reason to test for HIV. I really need ur help. Syphilis is rare. HPV is not transmitted through oral sex. D. Handsfield nor I have ever seen. No one has ever gotten HIV from receiving oral sex. Condoms reduce the risk for all STIs. 00005 x 0. If you stick with oral sex and condom-protected vaginal or anal sex, you have no HIV. Blood or no blood, still not a risk. HANDSFIELD. Even with cuts or scrapes in. Saliva samples were collected from 25 HIV negative gay/bisexual men with positive male partners and from 22 low-risk HIV negative healthy male control subjects; 21 of the 25 HIV-exposed but. The sex I had only was oral sex without condom for a a few minutes- 4 to 5 minute. A. All walks of like have oral herpes and it does not correlate with being a prostitute. A. But do both forms of giving or receiving oral sex conduct a risk for HIV? Read Responses (5+) Follow. 8) Minor wound-to-wound contact. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. I suppose persons with gum disease might bleed after performing oral sex and persons receiving oral sex might bleed if. 1 Responses. A. 32%, 709/785). A wound on the penis that would allow HIV into the blood stream would make it impossibly painful to receive a hand job. tewtew. I recently had oral sex with a shemale. Answer Question. And that's with ejaculation. (By contrast, when a person has performed fellatio on a man with gonorrhea, throat infection is quite common. JASON_ALEX. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. dinozzo. I’ll explain all the risks for everything, but most experts don't think a single act of oral sex warrants testing. The only way to get HIV is if you did one of the 3. D. Relax; the risk of acquiring HIV by receiving oral sex is extremely low, virtually zero after only 4 exposures. Unprotected, I gave her and she gave me. I have been using traction device (Penis enlargement. Learn the right way to use an external condom (sometimes called a male condom) and an internal condom (sometimes. "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. In July I received protected Oral sex from hooker I tested at 6 Weeks hiv and other STD’s were negative however I had flu like symptoms at about 7-8 weeks after the incident should I retest or my 6 wee. The. You can forget about this event and move on. 2. Please educate yourself about the real risks. Dear Dr. The likelihood in any event is that the other man was HIV negative. Transmission from the oral to the penile partner is especially rare; even if the oral partner has HIV, CDC estimates the risk at around one transmission for every 20,000 events. The quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less. Receiving oral sex is undoubtedly not a risk for HIV transmission. Helpful - 1. The first calcualtion comes to 0. Perhaps not totally risk free, but an estimate from CDC is that if the oral partner has HIV, the transmission risk to the penile partner in fellatio is around 1 in 20,000. One calculation by CDC suggests a risk of 1 chance in 20,000 for the oral partner, if the penile partner is infected -- equivalent to giving oral to infected men once daily for 27. Receiving oral sex would never expose you to HIV. All the best. Yesterday, I went to cruise bar where I received oral sex from a guy. Jonw285. You didn't need PEP and you don't need to test since you were never exposed to HIV. Complete blood and urine test was done after 6 weeks of exposure and the results shows normal results, Waited until 7 weeks and 6 days and I went for HIV antibodies (blood rapid test) test which shows negative, and again I went to the internet and found out that some sites stating that this is not a conclusive one. However,it is very rare, according to Dr Sean, there will be half a dozen people infected by oral sex among 40 million people living with HIV. . Then the receiver may be at risk. Reports document one case of female-to-female transmission of HIV through cunnilingus and another case of female-to-male transmission of HIV through cunnilingus. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. Based on this premises, what are the odds of me getting the virus per oral sexual act. Close HIV transmission from receiving oral sex massageaddict. Oral sex is considered low risk in terms of getting HIV. So, the only ways that you'd get HIV is if you have. Of all the STDs mentioned, the only one. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex. you receiving oral sex would not cause you to have oral symptoms of a std. Diabetes; Type 1; Type 2; Prevention; General Health; Weight & Fitness; Women's Health; Men's Health; Heart; Heart Disease; Heart Rhythm;. Hook have never seen nor read a convincing case of HIV from oral sex. last night i did received an oral sex and did ejaculate in her mouth and from this do i need to be tested for HIV? do i even need to be concern by this event? Thanks in advanced. DR HOOK. i have received oral sex from sex worker (Assume she hiv positive). Not for HSV-2, which is rarely carried in the mouth. HIV is not spread by oral sex, giving or receiving, even if sores, gum disease or blood is present. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. 1. Chlamydia is a common cause fo NGU associated with genital but not woth oral sex. Helpful - 1. Plus to add to what Dr Hansfield and you say about the odds of getting infected by oral sex is something like 1 in 10000 if you perform oral sex to a infected HIV person and 1 in 20000 if you receive oral sex from a infected HIV person. Nothing has happened so far in the history of HIV for it to become an actual risk. Air and saliva inactivate the virus. So the direcct answers to your questions are: 1) No, your risks are almost zero from the exposures you describe. As an adult, the only risks for HIV are: 1) having unprotected, penetrative vaginal or anal sex, or. I am writing you because, like an idiot, I had sex (protected) with a female escort 3 nights ago. Oral sex carries little to no risk for getting or transmitting HIV. You had zero risk for HIV. Read Responses (4) Follow. It never happens. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral sex. My ex-girlfriend, recently opened up to me on her HIV status. First. Giving is slightly higher risk than receiving. The risk. That's equivalent to giving or receiving oral sex with an infected partner every day for 27-55 years and maybe never getting infected. H. I read through the forums that neither of you have ever seen or heard of a case of a man contracting HIV by receiving oral sex from a woman. Use water-based or silicone-based lubricants to help prevent condoms from breaking or slipping during sex. Welcome to the forum. Oral sex is of such low risk for the insertive partner (the one receiving the BJ) that HIV transmission has never been proved. Hi everyone. Even if the condom slips down during oral, as Guitar says, STDs are transmitted less often during oral, meaning the risk is lower. The quoted, theoretical figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. If you don't do these things, then you will not get HIV. HIV, which people can transmit from HIV-infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids getting into open cuts or sores on the body syphilis , which people mainly transmit through vaginal and anal sex. can i get hiv if she had hiv this way. i have received oral sex from sex worker (Assume she hiv positive). I received an oral from a male and this was a deep throat, lasting about 3-4 mins. There's practically no risk of HIV from oral sex, either. No risks an no testing needed related to this exposure. 2. You are at zero risk for HIV. And you seem to already know that the risk of HIV from oral sex is estimated in the range of 1 in 10,000 for the oral. I have visited a CSW in 18th of October, and she performed unprotected oral sex to me three times and I ended up ejaculating every. H. acer1714. A condom does not need to cover the entire penis to protect against STDs, including HIV. Nobody in the world has ever been proved to have caught HIV from receiving oral sex; you. Even if she had HIV, oral sex is considered safe sex in regard to HIV. Giving oral sex – this presents an extremely low risk. The most important thing is for you to use condoms consistently for vaginal or anal sex. In addition, your recent HIV test is further strong evidence that you did not get HIV- at 4 weeks over 90% of persons with recently acquired HIV infection would have positive. hi guys, I am 34yo male, I did the dumbest thing in my life. , sucking or licking) to the penis, the vagina, and/or the anus. The risk associated with sexual exposure to HIV varies enormously, depending on the type of sexual activity: almost non-existent for insertive fellatio; estimated at 1. zamzam4. HIV is rarely if ever transmitted from the oral to genital partner by oral sex. And now this: by H. Browse Community. As for the condom coming off, it if came off while you were still thrusting inside her, it would have been pushed up inside her. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral. Air and saliva inactivate the virus. In any case, oral sex is safe sex with respect to HIV. 8) Minor wound-to-wound contact. The quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. receiving oral sex-worried. 3. Edward W Hook, MD. So my question is, is this a big risk?Hello doctors. These guidelines state that for the purpose of prescribing Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), oral sex, even with an HIV-positive partner would not be seen as sufficiently high risk without ejaculation. 0005 x 0. The presence of a burn in. Handsfield nor I have ever seen a convincing case of HIV transmitted through oral sex-. Your symptoms, neither the groin pain nor discomfort in your armpits nor the not-sure-you-can-see-it rash, really do not suggest a new HIV infection. The presence of a burn in. 00005 x 0. You had NO RISK for HIV and you do not need to test. 3. I would not worry. 08% (equivalent to 1 transmission per 1,250 exposures). Nope, not through scratches either. Oral sex and STD/HIV riskhas been discussed innumerable times on this and the HIV Prevention forum. 1 chance in 6,700 instead of 1 in 20,000 -- still so low that I would not have recommended PEP. Latex barriers and medicines to prevent and treat HIV can further reduce the very low risk of getting HIV from oral sex. Oral sex is safe sex. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral. The quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has or receives oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. " Hope this helps. Even for these, the chance of infection is very low. HANSFIELD. So, oral sex is not a risk. This, in epidemiological terms, is statistically insignificant. Please educate yourself about the real risks. HIV does not spread via saliva = spit. While it is very difficult to ever know how HIV transmission occurred, according to a factsheet on oral sex produced by the CDC in 20005, there have been a few documented cases of transmission during oral sex. Fellatio is the technical term used to describe oral contact with the. HIV risk for receiving oral sex with a mouth fulll of sperm? wmlbt. I'm specifially interested in male-male. No one has ever contracted HIV from receiving oral sex, and you won't be the first. And oral sex risk is. Please educate yourself about the real risks. The negative result probably will be more reassuring than anything I can say.